Become a Voting Member

Help support CrossPort by becoming a Voting Member

Many of CrossPort’s active members and allies choose to become “Voting members.”
The commitment to become a voting member is $20 per year, which helps Crossport underwrite the costs for the library, the phone service, our website, informational pamphlets and business cards, various community outreach projects (such a booth for Cincinnati Pride), expenses for the annual picnic and Holiday party, and various other initiatives that benefit our members and the local TG community.

You can become a voting member by sending a check or money order for $20 payable to:
P.O. Box 19936
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
or by bringing your donation to any Crossport meeting or you pay using PayPal (below).

Additional benefits of voting membership include:
1) The ability to both vote in and run for office in annual Crossport Board elections (or any other matter upon which the group votes, such as changes to the bylaws), and
2) Borrowing privileges to Crossport’s extensive library of books, periodicals, and DVDs on a wide range of gender topics.

To support Crossport’s mission, a number of members have chosen to give to the organization at higher levels which are:
Bronze Level: $50
Silver Level: $75
Gold Level: $100

Although no extra privileges come with the higher levels of giving to the organization, the generosity and support of members giving at the higher levels is very much appreciated, as it greatly aids Crossport’s mission in serving our transgender community.

PayPal is available for the convenience of those who would like to pay dues via credit/debit card or via PayPay. You may still pay at any Crossport social or support event by handing a check or cash to a Crossport Board Member or by mailing to our P.O. Box.

Membership Levels